We can assure you it’s going to be an out-and-out, all-encompassing immersive nature experience
Like lightning in a bottle, the most rewarding expeditions blend pivotal moments and each small experience with a touch of serendipity.
The success of our mainland expeditions is rooted in expert organization and meticulous management, whether we’re guiding you to tent-camping on Mt. Olympus, consulting the oracles,
or trekking deep
into a hidden gorge.
Our guides have climbed the highest mountains, surmounted dense forest trails, and withstood the storms.
No matter the path you find yourself on –how high the peak,
how ambitious the route,
how daring the goal –
our team of experts safely and expertly navigate you
to and through every challenge.
Take your adventures
to new heights and depths.
Greece is so famous for its coastlines and islands, that its mainland, mountains and ultra-peaks are often overshadowed by the call of the sea.
Let the country’s wildest terrain be your teacher. From cross-country skiing to snowboard expeditions, from hiking the highest peaks to climbing the most technical crags, from rafting fast-flowing rivers to riding free on horseback, you name the adventure and we integrate it to your journey.